Low Sodium Cookbooks We Recommend

Low Sodium Cookbooks We Recommend

I always get asked, “Hey, what low sodium cookbooks do you use?” When I first started on this journey back in 2009, I was desperate to find resources. One of the first that I came upon, was Jessica Goldman Foung and her blog, Sodium Girl. She was a total inspiration to me (it would be cool to meet or chat with her some day). Her site gave me the proof that low sodium cooking could still taste great. That was a good foundation brick that I could build upon with my own belief that for me to succeed at the low sodium lifestyle, I would have to be able to reshape (hack the salt from) my favorite dishes and recipes.

When I speak with other heart, kidney, liver, or Meniere’s patients, I always would hear the complaint that low sodium food was just so bland. They also complained about the loss of their favorite dishes in this new lifestyle. I set out to change those perceptions. I know for me, I hate the denial that other diets always required. I had to find a way to still eat my favorites, and protect my heart.

So when I do look into a cookbook for a recipe, the first place I look is not in a low sodium cookbook. I look for a dish I would like to eat. Once I find that, then I look to hack the salt out of the recipe. I do struggle some times to find a way. That is when I go to my resources. I will look in low sodium cookbooks, online, in some of my support groups, and if all else fails, I start bugging the chefs, dietitians, and health care professionals I know.


In the late part of 2017 I was contacted by a publishing house and was signed to publish my first low sodium cookbook which came out in July of 2018. I have listed it below. I am already at work on a second, so check back here.

So here below are some of those resources. These are the low sodium cookbooks we recommend. I like to think that all recipes are like a road map to get to a completed dish. I encourage you to add your own twists when using a recipe. I have come across many low sodium recipes out there, that do make a low sodium dish, but the taste just isn’t quite there. Taste as you cook, make it fit the flavors you like, and repeat!

The links for these cookbooks are affiliate links, and by clicking and purchasing you may be contributing to the production of this blog. Let me know if I’ve missed your favorite low sodium cookbook in the comments below! Enjoy!

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