Meet the Hacking Salt Team
Since I went into the hospital in January of 2017 it became crystal clear that I would need help in continuing to produce Hacking Salt. I have always had my wife, Mary as my Photographer, but I would need more. Especially with all of the things I have planned for Hacking Salt this year. So I’m proud to have you meet the Hacking Salt Team:
Meet Mary – Photography, Food Styling, Sous Chef, Wonder Woman
I’m truly blessed to have such an awesome partner as my wife! She has taught me everything I know as a photographer. She has always stepped up whenever I have fallen ill or needed the help. We have a lot of practice working together as we work together on our business (which she founded), Sterling Cross Communications. We have had over a decade of experience working in the food industry, which gives us valuable experience producing a food blog.
In cases like now, when I am stuck in the hospital, she takes over the cooking of the recipes. Strangely enough, the hospital won’t let me set up a boiler plate in my room. Once they are cooked, she captures them for the pictures for Hacking Salt.

Meet Hailley – Sous Chef, Photographer, Taster, Food Stylist, SuperGirl
Hailley has graduated from leader of the tasting team to stepping up to contribute to the blog. She assists in recipe development, cooking, styling and photographing food and products for Hacking Salt. She is a creative that loves art and drama and is a trooper in helping make sure things run smoothly.
Time will tell if she will take over the blog some day, but for now she is passionate about heart health and protecting people (like me) from heart disease.
Meet Erin – Writer, Photographer, Strategist, Social Media, Angel
Erin is a friend that Mary and I met through the course of business. She expressed interest early on in helping us to produce Hacking Salt to help people with low sodium needs to help battle health issues. Her Twitter handle is @HarkHerold. It always reminds me of the song; Hark the Herald Angels Sing which is appropriate for her as she is an Angel!
Erin has been an invaluable asset in assisting me with writing tasks, research, and editing. I would not be able to do what I have been doing without her support. She is a Professor of Social Media and is a great strategist for how social media impacts businesses.
More Things to Come
So I have a whole lot of exciting things coming up for Hacking Salt. In addition to my low sodium cookbook, we are already plotting out the next cookbook which I will focus on low sodium grilling (a passion near and dear to my heart).
There is a Hacking Salt Podcast in the works, where we will be speaking to all sorts of people in the low sodium community. We will have guests from all walks of life. We will have chef’s, food manufacturers, nutritionists, cardiologists, dietitians, and many of you fans and members of the Hacking Salt Low Sodium Community.
So thank you for being on the journey with us! We hope we are providing helpful advice, information, and great tasting recipes! Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!